Tuesday 29 December 2015

Seni dan Masyarakat Siri 2

YB Lee Kee Hiong (Adun Kuala Kubu Baru),
Prof Siti Zainon Ismal dan Prof. Muhammad Hj Salleh
Kuala Kubu Baru : Anak Seni, Kau Datang

.. aku merasai denyut nadimu
naik turun
hari ini ku rasakan nadimu deras, engkau merasa sedikit bahgia
dengan kehadiran tamu2 yang amat kau alukan

hembusan nafas ironinya mewangi
lantun puisi melirik lunak
jiwa2 insan berpasaran di sini
aura lentera mengalun
iramanya menukilkan nostalgia memori silam...

memang 'tanah' ini sedang kontang-gersang dengan rasa ''cinta' ini, 
kehadiranmu sedikit menggamit 'rindu',

regent street 
261215, Sabtu
Pasar Awam KKB

Tetamu Undangan panelis kehormat (Prof) Puan Siti Zainon Ismail​, (SN) Prof. Muhammad Haji Salleh​, YB Lee Kee Hiong​ (adun Kuala Kubu Baru). 

Siti Zainon Ismail​ (lahir 18 Disember 1949 di Gombak, Kuala Lumpur) merupakan seorang pengarang, pengkaji seni budaya warisan Melayu, seniman, penyair, pelukis Malaysia. Beliau adalah penyair pelukis wanita yang aktif dan berkebolehan luas dalam seni rupa, rekabentuk kraftangan, tekstil, busana dan genre penulisan kreatif cerpen, sajak dan novel.

Mewakili negara untuk puisi, pameran lukisan dan seminar seni budaya seluruh tanahair dan di peringkat antarabangsa termasuk di Filipina (1976). Bhopal. India (1985). Berlin Barat ( 1985, 2000) Soeul Korea (1986). Indonesia (Aceh, Bali, Jakarta. Jambi, Lombok. Makassar. Padang. Riau, Palembang, Yogyakarta 1983-1998). Thailand (1986,1989, 1990). Perancis (1986), Berlin (1986). London (1986,1990,1992), Australia(1993), Singapura(1990,1995), Hamburg (2000), Russia (2003). 

Puisi-puisi dan cerpennya diterjemah ke bahasa dunia seperti BuIgaria, Hindi, Inggeris, Korea, Urdhu, Jepun, Perancis, Thai dan Russia.

Nyanyian Malam (DBP 1976, 2003 ), Puisi Putih Sang Kekasih (UKM 1984), Perkasihan Subuh (Bulan Bintang. 1987). Dongeng Siti Kecil (Teks 1998), Daun-daun Muda ( 1986), Bunga-bunga Bulan (Creative, 1992). The Moon is a Candle(DBP, 1992), Ibunda -Mother (Unit Kebudayaan UKM, 1995). Taman-taman Kejadian (Galeri Melora, 1996)
Cerpen: Seri Padma (DBP, 1984), Attar Lembah Mawar (Marwilis, 1988), Bunga Putik Putih (DBP, 1991 ), Kampung Paya Kami ( Galeri Melora, 1998), Nyanyian Orang Laut (bersama Rahamad, Galert Melora 2000), Jurai Padma (DBP, 2000)
Novel: Remang Flamboyan (Fajar Bakti 1995), Pulau Renek Ungu (DBP, 1996)

Penulisan : 
Jalur dan Warna (Fajar Bakti, 1985), Rekabentuk Kraftangan Melayu Tradisi(DBP, 1986), Percikan Seni (DBP,1988), Lambang Sari Gamelan Trengganu (bersarna Harun Mat Piah, UKM, 1988), Tekstil Tenunan Melayu (DBP1994), Alam Puisi (DBP,1994), Busana Melayu Johor (Fajar Bakti 1997). The Tradisional Handicraft Design(DBP, 1997). Zikir Pelangi -The Rainbow ( Galeri Melora, 2000) dan judul alam dan kemanusiaan baru dan dalam proses penerbitan. 

Awards : 
Anugerah Hadiah Sastera Malaysia (puisi 1975,1976,1979,1983, 1985, 19891, Hadiah Maybank- DBP (cerpen 1996/97/98), S.E.A. Write Award ( 1989), Gelar Cut Nyak Fakinah (Lembaga Adat Aceh -MUI 1990), Anugerah Tan Seri Fatimah-Avon (1993), Pingat Jasa Kebaktian (Negeri Selangor, 1993), Prof Luar Biasa (Universitas Jabal Ghafur, 1996), Pingat Setia Mahkota Selangor (2002).
memenangi Anugerah Sketsa Kartini (1970-1973)


Bicara estetika adab dan adat dalam seni, budaya, tradisi warisan sejarah, perempuan dan busana, tekstil Melayu-Nusantara. Dedikasi karya2 Puan Siti Zainon Ismail memang memikat, mengujakan, terutamanya puisi2 'Profil Cinta'. Seorang penulis prolifik, mengungkapkan perasaan jiwa seni dan kesedihannya sejak dari usia remaja dengan lirik menerusi puisi dan lukisan. 

Mendapat lulusan dalam bidang seni di Jogjakarta, Akademi Seni Rupa Indonesia (ASRI). Mendapat sentuhan Affandi, belajar Seni wayang kulit, Rusli. dan sentuhan bahasa2 Perancis dan Jerman. Dunia seni Yogya aneh dan luas, SZI menyalurkan ruang seni sketsanya untuk membiayai hidup.

Nasihatnya, seni perlu diwarisi (arts as a vacation, Rendra, 1970) ayahnya berqasidah dan zanji, bersaudara dengan Ishak Surin. Seni adalah terapi kebingungan, di usia2 begini keluar memori2 lama. Guru-ibu dapat mengesani bakat murid-anaknya, mereka menentu masa depan. Kamu harus menaggung nasib kamu sbg seorg seniman, kesakitan kamu harus dibayar dengan kelembutan.

(Moden barat dan timur Islam) Kami sarjana tidak ingin menjajah, yang menjajah adalah pedagang (pemaju) dan politikus

Saya miliki 'Nyanyian Malam'nya...sentimental ""..mood romantics.."" huhu...

Persatuan Seni
251215, Jumaat
Galeri Sejarah, Kuala Kubu Baru

Nyanyian Malam buat Puan Siti Zainon Ismail (Prof)

".. aku mengenal namamu lewat, 
aku menelusuri jerih payah, 
penderitaan 'ibu' yg diungkap sbg 'dendam' sebenarnya, 
juga kemarahan tersembunyi, 
aku belajar dari bait2mu, 
sbg diari sebuah kesedihan batin...

untuk pengetahuanmu, 
aku juga insaf menyelami perasaan generasiku, 
yg kau dengar cuba dihurai dgn 'berbagai teori', 
kita sedar akan bencana ini, 
krisis yg kita namakan 'dilema' hilang punca titik bengiknya

aku menagih baktimu, 
tempat bersandar harapan dan perhatian generasiku, 
memimpin semangat zaman,
sbg seorang 'ibu pertiwi',

sekelumit tintamu buat generasiku, begitu bermakna, 
sesungguhnya jasa ibu itu amat bererti, 
budi yg ditabur secukupnya harus dibayar,

aku mahu 'ibu' membimbing 
kehidupan kemanusian yg penuh ranjau ini, 
walau aku tahu tak mampu membalas, 
namun kau juga mengakui perjuangan panjang ini pasti dikenang

ini hanya secebis bingkis 
'kejujuran' yg mampuku luahkan, 
dalam rentas masa menanti 
sambutan 'ikhlas' dari limpah 'rahim'-mu, 
aku mengadu mengirim pesan rintih naluri anak kampus..

Salam dari Kampus... 

Malam Semua Budaya
261215, Sabtu
Malam Seni Budaya
Balai Kg. Jawa Kerling
Kuala Kubu Baru, Hulu Selangor

" I Was looking for a voice of my generation. The gap that divides those of us born in the 1970s and the older generations has never been so wide." - Wie Hui, Reuters

Monday 28 December 2015

Love only Love

The Alchemy of Love

You come to us
from another world
From beyond the stars
and void of space.
Transcendent, Pure,
Of unimaginable beauty,
Bringing with you
the essence of love
You transform all
who are touched by you.
Mundane concerns,
troubles, and sorrows
dissolve in your presence,
Bringing joy
to ruler and ruled
To peasant and king
You bewilder us
with your grace.
All evils
transform into
You are the master alchemist.
You light the fire of love
in earth and sky
in heart and soul
of every being.
Through your love
existence and nonexistence merge.
All opposites unite.
All that is profane
becomes sacred again.
"Ai," the traditional Chinese character for love () consists of a heart (, middle) inside of "accept," "feel," or "perceive," () which shows a graceful emotion. It can also be interpreted as a hand offering one's heart to another hand.

A Woman is a Mystery

A woman is a mystery

that can guide the wise and open man 
there's another kind of male
who keeps a caged animal inside
himself he's got too dominate
no tenderness or blessings there
but it's tender kindness that makes us human
anger and hot desire something less

Perhaps she really is a light from God
and not that rounded form you see,
maybe she is the breath of creativity,
maybe she wasn't created at all.

Romeo and Juliet

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Quote by The Sun

".. Kamu seharusnya tahu, Dunia ini tidak baik2 saja, kerana mereka telah belajar menyembunyikan kesukaran."
".. u should knows that the world unlike all good things happen, cause there are the visible suffer across inside."

".. dalam sekolah kehidupan, tidak penting orang lain lebih pintar atau lebih bodoh. Sekolah kehidupan mengajarkan bgmn kita menjadi terbaik untuk diri kita sendiri. Tak perlu membandingkan diri dgn org lain. Itu adalah proses hidup yang menjadi milik kita. 
Pencarian tentang hidup mereka yang sesungguhnya. Dan, aku adalah kagum dengan orang yang melakukan pencarian. Orang yang mencari adalah orang2 yang pada akhirnya menemukan. Ketika aku menemukan orang2 yang mencari, aku gembira, kerana, ternyata aku tak bersendirian. " … 

- Kurniawan Gunadi

Love only Love

Seriously, 'Love' is the beauty once u can feel only in yourself, anyone no nothing about this.

At that moment, we feel something 'live' life in our heart. we can't explain it, but its something like the winds blow smoothly the words by words of happiness through our breath.

we feel all moment of our breath, we can feel it through the sounds, uprise the sun, the clouds, the birds, the rain, the light of moon, and the cool of midnights that's suffer us to separate our life turn to care only to our heart and concern district to this sence.

sometimes we feel what happen around us connected with our feel. u can't do anythings without this sence, and its really grip our feel and thought. u become no worry what happens around u. if the heart (love) not behind u its will make u told to the season to speak up. Its really happen in real life, its really crazy.

before this moment, I'm really don't know what's mean by 'love'. And now its break me silencely to care about 'love'. we are now understand why the couple of love are no worry, and by their heart only are their world. we are really understand and believe the 'religion of love' that we heard by the words of wisdom.

Sunday 13 December 2015

Words of Wisdoms

".. Oh God, i don't know who is my love. I don't know whose to pray for. I don't know anyone to ask cause the name never I know. I only ask, meet me with one who always say my name in the heart. who is, at least I know when she love me, she always unforget Me in her prays."

Really, the men in search. He is waiting for women who wish able quake his heart. Women just enough to touch the feelings.
The men much suffer waiting for her, as well he's looks steady. The man shame to cry or at least look sadness. That's not his kind (like). but, really, how cool the man, he's still feel alone.
The men in this world wether, look weakness if there are no women. cause, an exist the women instill him to believe ownself that's there one behind him whose in protection. Be a protector are needs by man.
The women is waiting her coming by men, but many women error in waiting. She wait for someone for coming.

Sometimes, if women find the proper place in protected, right things, is instantly coming cause the protected place is fortunately silence in his place. No where going.

He only wait someone whose ready in protect and believe the place highly protected, this kind of trust which the men looking for.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Lost My Heart

"When I Lost My Heart To You"

Laid its breath against my chest
My skin was thick
But You breathed down all my walls

Like the fire steals the cold
The ice wore thin
As Your light tore through my door

You have my heart
You have my heart
You have my heart oh God
You have my heart

Oh hallelujah

I found Your love
When I lost my heart to You

Trading crowns to wear my shame
The Prince's throne for the cross that bore my thorns

Oh love
Like crashing waves of endless grace
You won't relent
Until all I am is Yours

My Love, My Heart,
Oh God!..

To convey a message of far
The news of the winds
voices of patience, forgiveness, desire
sounds of love and happiness
for You,

The Hearty...

Menyampai pesan dari jauh
Khabar berita dari atas angin
pesan2 kesabaran, maaf, kerinduan
suara kasih sayang dan kegembiraan



Chopin Society of Malaysia

6th ASEAN Piano Contest
081215 , Tuesday
Chancellery University of Malaya

Silence Message of Hope

Forgive me

i lost control
i loss my dreams
i loss my world
because of u
(no one cry)

by dreams, 
i wait for the winds and clouds 
and the white dove (alone)
fly to bring
the messages of rainy.. 
(my sadness)

by world, 
rain are not come heavy,
the winds become wet and cold
i'm still waiting
(my forgiveness)

by feel,
the couplets of the birds
fly with the winds
take of hope under the wings.
(my suffer)

oh love, oh god,
sent me an angels
to hear and ask
my heart

forgive me!..

Winds of Love
9 12 15, Wednesday
Gardens of Hope

try to find
My Love

Dear my love,

I'm like a kite, and u like a yarn
without u i'm nothing to do
looking a far im flying (my success) that's because u are (behind me).

My Heart,

quite a best threads,
we gather flying as far as well
and, as far i'm flying,
 im always thinking about you.

i'm in caring of you
and always in ur aware
care and love me as well
i'm guideless.

remember me,
i want to be how far I can.

My beloved sweetheart