Tuesday 25 October 2016

Perak Man : Mysterious of Untold His Story

Bismi Allah al-Rahman al-Rahim (The most Merciful and Grace)

The question comes along before history began as far as the prophet Adam (as) commited a sin, Allah forgive him with the cherished of Nur Muhammad (saw).

The discover by the later archeological driven on artifacts show the mysteries and the comes with evidences to claim by our contemporaries researcher whose named 'the Perak Man' as first man existed in this world.

Means that, the 'Perak Man' had claims by a great man in history and civilizations or the man born and the panicles Arch to recognize people/mankind afterwards by the existence of the 1st man creation by thy Lord Almighty create the world. As like recently discovered by Dr. Maurice Bucaile on the mystical Allah creation on earth have proof on existencies the mummy's King of Egypt mention in the qur'ān as the greed Firaun (instead Amenhotep).

The question comes again by too many cases perserve the original story and objectivity.

There 3 particular predictions :

1. Prophets Adam (as)
The Prophets Adam (as) was finding by their long time ago through the field of research had been done which Adam (as) revealed by god from the heaven at one place they called as Sunda Lands; 'Atlantis' is the land of the 1st civilizations in the creation of the world. But, they don't finds the skeleton's. There discovering on subject 'the Lost World' propose by Malay Polynesian and Malaynesia World and others. Once, they claims the Perak Man will be recognizing through their chains/trees of the genetics/DNA.

So, as renowned by the interpretation of 'Adam' creation, there ayah acknowledging man the truth and obey; 'alastu birabbikum, qaluu bala syahidna'.

2. Prophets Nuh (as)
Through the flood of Gilgamesh epics, Prophet Nuh (as) was comes through rediscovered by modern archeological and they try to find the causes of this fact remarks question remaining what's happen by the world after distress the earth by the big flood depression; earthquake. There a story regarding IPOH area. and there was places of animals at Greek Hills (wild forest) - belantara.

3. 'Qaturah' son.
Her chains as a wife of The Abraham's) they regard as a malay tribes/regions around the world especially refer to the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago's. Recently google map projected 'the lost tribe'. (See Opeiheim) They claims this women had lost from the map of the earth. They did not find out her footsteps and after, soon told by the Prophets Muhammad (saw) to travels to the Kingdom of the Wind/on Air which is referring to Samudra / the bigs Ants (alhadist).

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